Monday, November 13, 2017

Unit 4

Communications 12 Unit 4

1.    Theme:  Print out the selection, Theme, read it carefully and make notes on the main ideas.
2.    Vocabulary: Print The Sniper Vocabulary Part 1 and complete the exercise.
3.    The Sniper: Print and read The Sniper. (only available in the lab) Continue to practice using the active reader marks as you read the story.

4.     Vocabulary: Print The Sniper Vocabulary Part 2 and complete the exercise.
5.    The Sniper: Answer Questions #1-7 at the end of the story. Remember to follow the guidelines outlined in Unit 1 and 2 for your answers. (Marks will be deducted for not following the guidelines.) Hand in your work.

6.    Process: Evergreen: Chapter 8

Read Pages
Complete Practice
6th  edition
Read pages 96-102
Practice 1 and 2
7th edition
Read pages 92-98
Practice 1 and 2
8th edition
Read pages 100-106
Practice 1 and 2
Ask your teacher for the answer key so you can mark your Practice exercises.

6th Edition: Read pages 104-105 and write a process paragraph. You may choose any topic that interests you. Use the Checklist on pages 104-105 to help you work. Hand in your paragraph to a teacher for marking. You may do several drafts of the paragraph before you get a final mark.

7th Edition: Read pages 100-101 and write a process paragraph.  You may choose any topic that interests you.  Use the Checklist on pages 101 to help you work. Hand in your paragraph to a teacher for marking. You may do several drafts of the paragraph before you get a final mark.

8th Edition: Read pages 108-109 and write a process paragraph.  You may choose any topic that interests you.  Use the Checklist on pages 109 to help you work. Hand in your paragraph to a teacher for marking. You may do several drafts of the paragraph before you get a final mark.

7.    In-Class Process Paragraph and Reading Test: Evergreen: Chapter 8
When you have received a final mark for your paragraph and after you have reviewed this chapter, ask a teacher for the Chapter 8-Process Paragraph and Reading Test. You will write this assignment under test conditions. You may not use a dictionary. Allow 90 minutes.
8.    Novel  Paper 2 
Print Novel Paper 2 and complete the assignment.
Hand in Paper 2 and the assigned descriptive paragraph. Continue reading your novel.

9.    Grammar 4.1 Avoiding Vagueness:
Read Evergreen :
6th ed. pg. 295-297
7th ed  pg 312-314;
8th ed. pg 322-324
The following sentences are dull and general. Revise them to make them concrete, specific and vivid. Use vivid verbs, specific nouns and colourful adjective. You may add and delete words and change the sentence completely.

a)    The trees and flowers were nice.
b)   The man ate dinner.
c)    The weather was bad.
d)   The woman walked to the store.

Hand in your work.

10. Grammar #4.2 Complete the following and hand it in when you are finished. Use
Evergreen  for a reference –
6th ed. pages 400-406
7th ed. pages 416-422
8th ed.pages 435-441
a)    Write a sentence using a collective noun.
Choose the correct pronoun:
b)   Your story is much longer than (she, her, hers).
c)    Between you and (I, me), I didn’t do my homework.
d)   (Who, whom) will answer the door?
e)   To (who, whom) are you going to give the prize?
f)    (Who, Whom) do you want to give the candy to?

Hand in your work.